Sacred Heart Catholic School
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." ~Prov 22:6
7379 Church Street . Custer, WI 54423
Phone: (715) 600-6942

From Past Parents & Students
The academic program at this school is outstanding. I didn't fully recognize it until my oder children advanced to the public school and they were placed in advanced classes. This made it an easy choice to have our younger child attend this school as well. The religious education and values taught are still with my children today. They give their time and talents in their parish and community which says a lot in these tough peer-pressure times.
I am proud to say my educational foundation was instilled at Sacred Heart Elementary School. It is a school where Catholic values are bred, and where the curriculum is second to none. Sacred Heart School, because of its unique structure, gives the rare opportunity for parents to interact with their child's education, and ultimately, their child's development.
What do I mean exactly?
The faculty openly participates in conversing with students' parents, getting to know each and every family personally. Parents and academic instructors operate as a pair, a method that is seldom practiced. Suggestions and concerns are shared from both sides, so that students can grow even more at both home and school. This is what separates Sacred Heart from other elementary schools in the area. If I had a nickel for every time my folks walked through the doors of Sacred Heart School to stay involved in my education, I would not be burdened with absurd tuition costs at the university.
For all Sacred Heart has done for me and for my parents' active role, I am sincerely grateful, and I daresay I would not be where I am now if I did not have the foundation I have.
Daniel Smyth
Carol Wierzba
Parent of Former Students
Have you ever gone to school to pick up your child and been asked to wait in the entry way? Or, have you ever been told that your child is doing "really well" only to see on his/her report card that they are doing poorly? That's what happened to us when our son was in kindergarten in a public school.
Now that he comes to Sacred Heart School, we have never been asked to wait outside in the hall for school to be done. We are welcomed immediately into the classroom and told how the day went. I know how he is doing in his work and what he needs help on. I don't know of any other teacher that volunteers her time to stay after school so that a child can catch up to the rest of the class. But, our son's teacher, Sister Michele, will. She has been so helpful in our son's education that I cannot thank God enough for sending her to our school.
So why do I think you should send your child to Sacred Heart School? It's simple, because they will be loved like family.
Parent of Former Student
For three years kindergarten , first and second grades, my daughter attended public school in the Stevens Point School district. During this time, she was in classes of 23-27 students. She is a smart girl, and she quickly realized that she could coast along without doing homework or class work. She hated going to school and every morning was a struggle to get her up and ready for school. She also had problems getting along with other students and the verbal fights that she was involved in made her depressed and also contributed to her dislike of school.
Last fall, we both began classes to join the Catholic Church. My daughter soaked up her new knowledge of religion. The CCD class that she took was wonderful. She learned so much and felt proud of the work that she was doing. I can't say enough good things about the CCD program at Sacred Heart. My daughter not only learned about her religion, but she also learned about pride in working hard in the classroom and respecting and interacting with classmates.
In 2010, I enrolled my daughter at Sacred Heart School. The strengths of the school compared to her previous school were immediately apparent:
1. Accountability- the first day that my daughter came home, she brought with her an assignment sheet that she had to fill out and her teacher and parents had to initial daily.
2. Homework-she was bringing home homework to work on.
3. Attitude-She was up and dressed before her alarm went off. She was excited to go to school. The kids are expected to respect each other and their teachers.
The one thing that really drove home the strength of the school was the first day I went to pick up my daughter from school. I had picked her up from school in Stevens Point many times. The hallways were crowded, kids were pushing each other, and some of the things that I heard in the hallways almost made me blush! I walked into Sacred Heart and it was completely opposite! I had a little girl come up and show me what she did in Science! The kids were polite and so excited about what they were learning. That to me is the biggest strength about Sacred Heart School. The teachers will not let the kids be apathetic to learning! The kids have a safe environment and because of the small class sizes, have individual attention whether they want it or not. They can't sit in the background and slide by. They have to participate in their education. This is why I feel this has been the best decision I have ever made for my daughter.
Parent of Former Student
I am a student at Sacred Heart Catholic School in Polonia and I would like to tell you six reasons why I like going there.
1. All of the teachers are really nice. They give you the individual attention you need, and they are also very fair teachers.
2. All of the children are nice and get along. During recess, if you want to, the kids will arrange a game of kickball or flagtag and ages 5 to 12 will join in.
3. We have delicious and healthy lunches. We always have fresh fruits and vegetables with our food.
4. We have very fun field trips. We'll go skating or bowling or something else really exciting. we also march in the Stevens Point Christmas parade.
5. We do fun fundraisers for the school, and the adults and children join in. We'll sell candy bars at local stores or work a pancake breakfast. The kids usually have a lot of fun.
6. Last, but definitely not least, the school is Catholic. The school will help you grow in your faith and hopefully you will stick with your faith your whole life long.
Well, I've told you six reasons why I like going there. Now it's your turn. Come and check it out for yourself.