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Sacred Heart
The Roman Catholic Parish of
Polonia, Wisconsin
Welcome! Witamy!

You are warmly welcome at Sacred Heart Parish
We would like to invite you to join us at Mass, one of our many events, or quiet prayer time.
We pray that God will keep you safe and in the protective care of Mary our Mother.
Our church is open daily, Monday through Sunday, from 7:00AM-5:00PM for private prayer. Please use either the handicap or the front east side door entry.
Thursday 7:00-8:00AM
Tuesday, Thursday 8:15AM
Saturday 8:15AM
4:00PM (Sunday Anticipatory Mass)
Sunday 8:00AM
Thursday 7:30-8:00AM
Saturday 2:45-3:45PM
By Appointment Contact the parish office .
Parish Office and Scheduled Activities
Sacred Heart Parish follows Stevens Point Public Schools and the Roshot School District for delays, closures, and cancellations. When Stevens Point Public Schools OR the Rosholt Schools close, the Parish Office and Sacred Heart School will close and all activities at the parish are cancelled. Cancellations and closures will also be posted on the website.
Mass and Liturgical Events
If the school and parish offfice close due to inclement weather, Father will still celebrate daily Mass at the scheduled time at Sacred Heart. Confessions and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will not be held. Please note, that if the Mass is scheduled to be held at St. Mary' Immaculate Conception in Custer, the Mass will still be celebrated, but at Sacred Heart. If you are ever unable to drive safely, please do not risk coming to Mass.

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